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Kevin Au

Trumpet Teacher


Kevin Au earlier graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong earlier with a degree of Bachelor of Arts (Music), majoring in trumpet and pedagogy, and later attended to the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and obtained the Master of Music degree in Trumpet Performance under the tutelage of Mr. Christopher Moyse (the Co-principal Trumpet of Hong Kong Philharmonics). Au has been an active performer in various occasions. Since his tertiary studies, he had been invited to perform in different orchestras and occasions, including Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Ponte Orchestra, Fiesta Brass, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra, etc. He also performed as a soloist in “La Virgen de la Macarena” with Hong Kong Wind Ensemble in the Indonesia Orchestra and Ensemble Festival in 2018. Moreover, he has performed in the masterclasses given by Gábor Tarkövi, Eric Aubier and Pasi Pirinen.

Au is enthusiastic in music education. Other than giving private lessons, he takes the role of trumpet/brass tutor and band/orchestra conductor in various local schools and organizations, including St. Francis Xavier’s College, Valtorta College, Munsang College (H.K. Island) and Hong Kong Harmonious Wind Ensemble. He is also the wind sectional coach at CUHK Chung Chi Orchestra.

歐俊傑早年畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修小號及教學法,後赴香港演藝學院攻讀音樂碩士(小號演奏)文憑,師隨香港管弦樂團聯合首席小號手Christopher Moyse。歐氏活躍於古典音樂界,從在學期間起便受邀,以小號手身份於各種場合演出,包括香港藝術節、本地樂團、飛銅凡響、香港節慶管弦樂團等,亦曾在2018年為香港管樂合奏團於印尼音樂節中以獨奏者身份表演La Virgen de la Macarena。他亦曾參加Gábor Tarkövi 、Eric Aubier及Pasi Pirinen的大師班。


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